The most recent articles from Digital

Monday, June 9, 2008

Digital Printing Will Dominate!

I read an interesting article today from It claims that digital printing will dominate the industry by 2020.

This is good news for Docucopies, as we currently have the lock down on first place as far as having the best prices online, whether you're doing regular color copies or printing entire books or booklets. We will continue to offer the best service and the highest-quality copies and prints, even as more offset printers make the switch to digital.

But what does this mean for traditional, offset printing businesses? Are they doomed to fail?

Certainly not. There are plenty of instances when offset printing is still the better choice. It just depends on what kind of job they're doing. What offset printers will have to do, then, is focus and streamline their services for those specific instances, and either outsource their other jobs to companies like Docucopies, or invest in digital printing machines to handle those types of jobs.

Either way, digital printers are getting better and cheaper every year. The quality of jobs they put out is increasing exponentially. So as more people come to the Internet looking to have their mid-sized jobs printed on a small budget, more people will find a friend in

'Til next time.

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