Thursday, April 3, 2008

Little Guys Helping Little Guys

In my experience answering phones, taking orders, assisting customers, etc., here at, I'm constantly reminded of the sheer volume of orders we get from churches, organizations, schools, and non-profits. And if it's their first time going through us, they're always astounded by the stunningly low prices on our color copies, books, booklets, etc.

This leads me to the unfortunate realization that for every one of these calls I take, there are probably another hundred people in the same situation naively getting their copies done at Kinko's, Office Depot, Staples, or any other number of big chain copy places that feed on ripping you off. We don't play that.

We like to help out the little guys, because that's what we are.

Our managers don't sit like stiffs in sterile board rooms all day drinking coffee, deciding when to hire and when to fire, when to raise prices and when to lower them, when to roll out that fancy new million-dollar ad campaign. Our business motto is simple and profoundly utilitarian: when you help the largest number of people save the largest amount of money for the highest quality jobs, everyone wins. Our customers keep coming back because they know what to expect from us: high-quality color copies at the cheapest prices on the Internet, excellent customer service, and special perks like free shipping and free bookletizing.

As mentioned, many of our customers represent not-for-profit organizations. We used to give these people a 10 percent discount; now we don't. Want to know why? Because now EVERYONE is getting that discount. Our prices are as low as they can be, and everyone seems pleased, especially small organizations and businesses on limited budgets.

So please, if you've used our services and liked what you saw, pass our name onto your friends. Link to us on your website. Do whatever you can to help the little guy save money in this struggling economy. After all, it's small businesses--not Wal-Mart, not big oil, not industry lobbyists, but small businesses--that are the heart, soul, and backbone of our country. Let's help keep it strong.

Viva revolucion. Fight the chain copy mafia!

We pound staples into Staples's face with our low prices; we put kinks in Kinko's arteries with our friendly customer service; we put the off in "Office Depot" by offering the same services for 50 percent off.

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