The most recent articles from Digital

Monday, June 20, 2011

Benefits to No Minimums

It's now been a little over a month since we implemented our new policy of no price minimums on most products, and the response has been outstanding!

It just hit me as I was setting up a file this morning that this is a major benefit in a job scenario I hadn't considered before.

When people want different quantities of different originals or different pages in their file, in the past they would have to place a different order for each different quantity, and each order would be subject to the $50 minimum. Needless to say, this drove some jobs away.

Since there is no minimum, this is no longer a concern. You no longer have to choose between getting way more or less of a certain page than you need, or paying a $50 minimum for something you only need a few copies of.

How has our new policy of no price minimums affected you? Comments, questions, complaints? Let us know!

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