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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Customers Have Nice Things to Say About Us.

Our customers seem to think highly of us. Just check out this testimonial one of our customers sent to a ticketing service after he found that we have better deals and better service than the ticket company's preferred printer...

Dear friends,

I am so impressed with your ticketing services.

Artbeat puts on shows all over the USA and for now on, we hope to be using your services when theaters don't have internet capabilities.

I was reading your advice for presenting an event tonight and checked out your recommendation for printing posters M3 back on the east coast.

Well, they charge $1 for an 11 x 17 poster.

I've been using a place that is at least one day less time shipping distance called Docucopies and they charge about THIRTY CENTS for the same product (depending on the quality of paper you choose).

These folks are incredibly reliable, fast, have great service people, fine quality posters.

I think you should consider changing your advice on poster printing (unless they are giving you some kind of kick back or you own the press or something).

But if you really want to help your customers, look into the superior product and lower prices at

- david shaw

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