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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Docucopies Goes Green!

STILLWATER, MN, March 14, 2008 --, the Internet' s leading provider of quality color copies at rock bottom discount prices, is going green. But unlike our amphibious friend on "Sesame Street," these veterans of the printing and copying industry insist that it can be easy bein' green.

Beginning with their move from Stillwater, Minn., to Hudson, Wisc., this week, the color copying giant is initiating a recycling solution to properly dispose of their empty color toner bottles and paper.

"This is something we' ve wanted to do for a long time," says Marketing Director Jeff Corbo. "But between our old property managers and the city, there were road blocks that kept us from recycling more efficiently."

Docucopies owns their new building in Hudson, so they can now keep proper recycling bins on the premises. The city also has more options for recycling plastic toner bottles and paper products.

"In our old location, we would have to throw away entire trash bags full of color toner bottles every day," says Corbo. "Now we can finally do our part to reduce waste and hopefully set an example for others in our industry."

Docucopies wants to assure their loyal clientele that this change will have no effect on their cheap prices for black and white or color copies, books, booklets, magazines, or any of the other myriad services provided.

"This is just more sustainable copying, and that's all there is to it," says Corbo. provides the cheapest color copies available online at the highest quality, as well as other related services like binding, stapling, cutting, and other finishing options. For more information, please visit

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