The most recent articles from Digital

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year from Docucopies

Hi everybody, and Happy New Year!

2008 is officially here, and it's going to be a great one. At, we're constantly reinventing ourselves, adding content to our website and blogs, optimizing our services, and otherwise working hard to continue to bring you the cheapest, highest-quality color copies there are.

In the coming year, you can expect the following from your pals at

We will continue to...

  • Provide high-quality color copying and printing services to our customers

  • Beat our competitors by offering the best prices on the Internet

  • Provide excellent customer service and set-up help

  • Offer our trusted clientèle sweet deals like free shipping, discounts, and more

  • Fight the powers that be (Kinko's, Office Depot, etc.) by beating them at their own game

  • And we will...

  • Offer other services such as pre-printed border paper and promotional products through our various partners

  • Look for new, innovative ways to provide quality color copy and print services to our customers at the lowest prices possible

  • Update our blog with relevant, industry-related entries for those who would read them

  • and more... just wait and see!

    Don't forget to check out our Myspace profile. Add us as a friend today!
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