We live in an ever-shrinking world, where the fate of everything from freedom in America to the cost of milk in Egypt to restricted Internet access in China are linked economically. Some call this globalization; some refer to it by much dirtier words. Whatever you want to call it, Docucopies.com doesn't care -- we are not a political organization, nor are we particularly concerned with international economics.
But one thing we do care about is supporting the local economy, and in this sense, we are talking about the United States of America. We keep our jobs here in the states and play an active part in strengthening our nation's economy. For example:
You will never call us for support and be transferred to some guy in India. Our customer support reps are right here, in house, so you can be assured there will be no language barriers or hurdles to jump through to find out about your job.Our paper comes from the United States of America and Canada. American paper companies use sustainable practices in logging, which is more than we can say for companies in South America and around the world who would sooner clear cut an entire rain forest than lose profits.We do not have Washington lobbyists. We don't give money to political candidates or campaigns, political action committees, or causes. We have no clandestine contracts with international conglomerates, media organizations, contractors or utility industries. We do not control any other aspects of your life than the color copies and printing you order from us. We wouldn't even try it if we could.We observe fair and ethical business practices. Even our competitors can appreciate that.We support independent businesses. If a customer brings us a job that's too small, or we're overloading with jobs, we're more than happy to refer the job to another local printer or copier. And they're happy to do the same for us.We fight big conglomerates and chains like FedEx Kinko's, Staples, and Office Depot. Heck, our pricing is already way better, so in our view, we've already won that battle.Check back regularly to read more about how
Docucopies.com supports our country and local economics.
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